Friday, November 11, 2011

And the camera is out of the box!!!!!

Yes, I can't believe it either ... lol!  This camera arrived in mid-October & I just opened the shipping box earlier this week & yesterday I actually took the camera out of the box & played with it a bit.  By playing with it I mean that I stuck in the batteries, stuck in a photo card (SPF?  No, that can't be right.), put the CD in my disk drive so I could peruse the manual, & then spent at least half an hour trying to figure out how to put on the blasted camera strap.  I'm sorry ... I need more direction than a somewhat blurry drawing with what looks like arrows pointing where something should go (I think that's what they are & what they are doing) which is not even a close-up drawing.  I finally got the blasted thing on although I'm not sure it's on correctly.  It seems to hold the camera around my neck without it crashing down into my lap so I'm guessing it'll do.  My next step is, of course, trying to figure out how to take a picture.  Why do I put myself through stuff like this?  Wasn't my life stressful enough without adding this camera to it?

I am tickled pink to say that I got the chenille trim sewed onto my pincushion!  I think I may have indicated that I was sewing it onto a pillow-type ornament, which was a plan, but I decided the ornament looked better without trim.  I did finish the ornament, & I finished the pincushion.  I also finished stitching another ornament & I'm almost finished stitching a third!  Alert the media ... the slug is on the move!!!  I will naturally take photos of these things, & others, when I can figure out that blasted camera   : )

If you haven't checked out the Old Fashioned Christmas Craft Show being held online this weekend, do it now!  There are so many talented crafters offering so many wonderfully crafted things!  I have no inkling how to list them all here but if you click on my friend Carol's blog ...

... you will find a post on her sidebar with a link to all the participants.  What fun it is shopping at this time of year!

It's been so long since I've posted a photo that I just had to post the advertising photo for the Old Fashioned Christmas Craft Show.  Isn't it beautiful?  I want to live there   : )

Now ... I know I have one giveaway running now which is to celebrate my 200th post.  The drawing for that giveaway is Sunday.  You can read the particulars here ...

I think, under the circumstances, I should have yet another giveaway running simultaneously with the one I have already running!  (My ... using such big words so early in the morning!)  This simultaneously-running giveaway will be my way of celebrating that my camera is out of the box ... lol!  It's a "Hey!  My camera is out of the box!" giveaway   : )   This one will be a surprise giveaway which will have a little bit of a Christmas theme to it   : )   As always, I ask that you please not post this giveaway on your blog.  I offer my giveaways only to current followers of my blog   : )   Just post a comment on this post telling me you want to have a chance at the giveaway.  You have until Friday, November 18th, to comment here for a chance at the giveaway.  I will choose the winner the next day, Saturday.  

This afternoon I have a brain MRI.  Of course you already know that I'm going to tell you my husband says it is a waste of time for my doctor to order this ... he can tell her right now that I don't have a brain.  And I'm still in love with this man!  Go figure   : )

On one of the blogs I visited this morning, there was a quote that I am going to share with you  here ...

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David
a savior, which is Christ the Lord."
Luke 2:10

We are nearing the start of celebrating Christmas & our minds are filled with thoughts of dinner plans, baking plans, shopping plans ... oh so many plans!  Don't let those thoughts crowd out the real meaning of the holiday.  God's gift to us is the best gift we will ever receive   : )  


BumbleBeeLane said...

Shirlee~ I'm like you with the camera's need to be able to just click and pretty pics show up.I have a expensive camera and a cheap simple camera,I use the cheap one the other is way to complicated.Good luck on the MRI.I'll be shipping your sewing drawer tomorrow.Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Warm Blessings!~Amy
PS.Throw my name in for the

TheCrankyCrow said...

Woo Hoo!!! It's out of the box!! :o) Looking forward to all those photos of your awesome projects! But I so feel your pain....My son bought me a digital camera for mother's day....I finally figured out how to get the photos off the camera and onto my computer in some fashion 9 months later (and my photos still are the best!!) But....I did manage to post of few of my wonderful gifts from you yesterday....wish they were better photos!! Wishing you the best of luck with your MRI....and praying for good results....Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

Tricia said...

Yay for getting the camera out! : ) Baby steps, you know... : ) Praying your MRI will show you have a brain... LOL! Seriously - I pray all will be well.


Jessica said...

Yay! You finally took it out of the box. :) I have lots of settings on my camera, but I don't know how to use any of them!

Woohoo on the stitching and finishing! I can't wait to see some pics!

Oh and I would love a chance in your surprise drawing. I didn't enter the other one because I'm afraid it would sit forever and never get done! It sure is a nice kit!

Angela said...

If it makes you feel better, it took Holly a LONG time to figure out the strap. (lol) Can't wait to see pictures of your finished work. Love surprises so I will enter this giveaway. Will e-mail you soon.