Thursday, January 31, 2013

I've Finished Stitching HE's Along for the Ride!!!



Maggee said...

Oh my gosh!! I am laughing SO Hard!! You have BEAT my 'doing a Mary' !!! By a MILE!!!!! Good for you!!!! NO ONE can top this!! NO one!!! Biggest Hugs!!

Myra said...

I just spewed tea all over my keyboard!!!!! I'll bet that felt really satisfying. :o)

gracie said...

Now here I was going to say good for that I stopped laughing...good for you! Proves one owned it, it did not own you! Thank you for giving me a giggle because right about tonight I need one.

Melody said...

Wow. Guess there is no doubt about your feelings on this one!

jennifer768 said...

Oh my gosh!Shirlee you really were at that point.LOL! Thanks for the giggles,for I surely needed them tonight.Hey girl,I am finally getting a little snow.Hugs,Jen

TheCrankyCrow said...

Oh my Lord. You are, indeed, my twin from a different mother! (I admit, I had to read back to learn what led to this, but, trust me....although the "one" me says "but, hey - I would have LOVED a wonky 'Along For the Ride,'" the other me/you is saying...."Oh yeah..I SOOOO know what you mean!!!"

(Now, you sure you're going to be able to get the burn/heat marks off that lovely sink??? You are my twin, no???)

;o) Smiles & Smoky Hugs ~ Robin

marly said...

Didn't that feel good? It's the only way to make sure you won't think about it any more. Flames rule.

Peggy Lee said...

Wooo-hoooo! I am so stinkin' proud of you! This tops my paper shredder by a long shot.
Now doesn't that feel better?

Rowyn said...

Wow, you really did finish it off! lol

Mouse said...

ohhhh dear ... I take it you decided enough was enough I first thought you were giving it a bath of some sort of dye

soooo what are we sacrificing next then ??? I mean stitching on ... love mouse xxxxx

Cleejoow said...

aaah satisfaction finally :)

butterfly said...

Oh Shirlee I can't believe it.
I have felt like doing this many times , but this must be a first, hugs.

Marilyn said...


Lynda (Granny K) said...

Thank you so much for starting my day with a big laugh! I think we've probably all felt like doing this to some project.

Mii Stitch said...

OMG!! You're officially crazy :D

Siobhán said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!!! I was looking at the pictures thinking, "Hmmm, I can't really see the design very well.". ROFLOL Oh my gosh, you are too funny.

Chris said...

Sometimes extreme measures are needed!

Dawn said...

Speechless and laughing so hard i'm crying, wow, you are certifiable.

Catherine said...

Lol!! Hope you feel better now!

Krista said...

'I'm melting, I'm melting!!" LOL
I hope you feel better now!

Trace4J said...

Been there. Ive got a big box in my garage Id like to do that too.
Woolie Hugs

Emma/Itzy said...

HAHAHA! Oh my word! Certainly one way to add a "finish" to your work ;)

Anonymous said...

OMG! Bet you feel better now! :)

Kim said...

OMG....I can't believe you did that! But it was awesome!!!!! LOL

Melissa said...

Well it looks like you've actually done what some of us felt like doing at time haha.

Reading all the comments here I think we stitchers just might be boarderline pyro-maniacs...

cucki said...

lol..i fell from my chair..i thought i press a wrong button and i am watching something else..rofl...
biggest hug for you xx

Andrea said...

Shirlee!!!!!!! LOL. Guess you didn't like that piece of stitching!

Ranae said...

I'm just scrolling down my reader and see this... What the heck??
So I back up, lol I guess I will learn why once I get caught up more the reader, I'm way behind, so now I'm curious, lol
I sure hope you feel better
Silly lady

Lindsay said...

What a great way to get rid of an unloved piece of stitching! Bet you feel so much better for it tho

Nicola said...

Oh Sirlee !!!!!!

Melissa Stitchin' said...

OMG i can't believe u did that it must feel good
good luck cleaning your white sink
Patricia from Melissa Stitching
PS if you want to take the chart off your hands you can always
send it my way!!xoxoxo

Kaisievic said...

Love you, Shirlee.. Way t o go, girl. Woo Hoo!