Thursday, January 5, 2012

And the stitches are in!!!

Despite a return of pain & the lingering "yuck" associated with oral surgery, I did put several stitches (more than I anticipated!) into my new project yesterday!  All is well with the world   : )

I woke up at 3:00 a.m. this morning & finally got out of bed at 4:00 to start my day.  Heaven knows I have plenty to keep me busy.  I was up pretty early yesterday too, although not this early, & John got up shortly after.  This is unusual for him ... he is more the sleeping in type.  Anyway, where I sit at my computer there are no windows facing the sunrise.  The bedroom windows, however, give a clear view.  Since John was up early enough & I can see one of the bedroom windows when I'm in the kitchen this is what I got to see ...
I know it's hard to tell but that's a neighbor's barn & silo in the center of the picture.  A sunrise such as this is one of those "God's gifts" we often hear about.  Isn't it wonderful how He made all these colors, all the flowers, all the different animals ... all these things of beauty for us to look at & enjoy?  

I will be working on more insurance stuff today (I swear these forms multiply at night after I go to bed) & yes, doing more stitching.  Hopefully by the time next week gets here I can begin cleaning & organizing & eliminating & packing in preparation for listing the house for sale in March.  This will be my part-time day job for a while.  If by some chance you know of any saltbox homes for sale ... doesn't really matter where just as long as snow is a frequent visitor ... do let me know   : )  


Siobhán said...

What a beautiful sunrise! Such a nice start to the day. I'm glad that you're feeling well enough to stitch!

Trace4J said...

Beautiful view to wake up too.
Hope you get all your paperwork done fast and your able to stitch away. Ive been awake since 3 something too. And then up a lil after 4 :)

Michelle said...

What a wonderful sight to see - I am so glad you are feeling brighter xx

Kaisievic said...

Beautiful sunrise - well worth getting up early for.

Hugs, Kaye xoxox

Angela said...

Good morning Shirlee, Hoping you are feeling better after your surgery. Have I shared with you that I am terrified of dentist? I couln't even take Holly when she was small, Mr. P had to. I went all my life and really never had a bad experience but it's just a hangup I have. Love the picture of the beautiful sunrise. Only God could be responsible for such beauty. Good luck on your paperwork. Have a great day.

jayne@~an eye for threads~ said...

You have a wonderful blog. Cheers to 2012 and all that it has in store for you.
Be always in stitches.

Lucie said...

What a beautiful sunrise, I am never awake early enough to see it here! I hope your pain goes away soon and then you can concentrate on your stitching a bit more x

Carol said...

I'd be up early, too, if I could see such a wondrous sight! What a glorious sunrise--hope your day is just as nice, Shirlee :)

No saltbox houses nearby, but I'll keep a lookout for them!

cucki said...

lovely sunrise..very sweet picture..
sending you hugs cucki xx

Chris said...

Glad to hear that you are feeling better and stitching.
What a beautiful sunrise.

Nicola said...

What is a saltbox home?

To see a sunrise like that it is worth getting up early.

There's nothing worse than toothache. Hope you are feeling better soon.

Faye Henry said...

Hello dear friend.. I am sure there must be a house either in Maine or here in Canada.. Although, we can not brag of a lot of snow here yet... Unusal...

bettyj said...

Beautiful sunrise! Hoping you feel all better,(as my kids used to say)real soon. Somewhere there is a house just for you! God already knows where it is.

bettyj said...

Beautiful sunrise! Hoping you feel all better,(as my kids used to say)real soon. Somewhere there is a house just for you! God already knows where it is.

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Such a beautiful sunrise!!!
Glad to hear you felt good enough to get a little stitchin done.
Yuck ~ Taxes I need to work on mine too.
Prim Blessings

Tricia said...

Gorgeous picture!! I hope you feel better and can enjoy your stitching! : )

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wow what a gorgeous sunrise!!!

TheCrankyCrow said...

Wonderful sunrise....I haven't seen one for a while. Yes, I wake up at 3 in the morning....but I do not GET up....I roll over and insert myself promptly back into one of my dream fantasies and am happily off in the land of Nod for a good bit longer.....Really it has to be a saltbox? Yes, I love them too, but chances are slim to nil in Nod and I was hoping..... ;o) Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin