Friday, January 10, 2014

He Keeps A-Knockin' But He Can't Come In

First of all, I want to thank all of you who left such kind comments on my post yesterday regarding your concern for my health & offering your prayers.  I am not feeling up to answering everyone individually & hope you will understand me not being able to do so.  This illness, whatever it is, really hangs on!  I usually toss off a cold or the flu pretty quickly, but not this time.  I read blogs while making cups of tea but haven't felt up to commenting on any.  Again I hope you will understand.  As of this morning I am, I think, feeling a tad better.  I managed to do a bit of stitching yesterday but mostly I slept a lot.  Sleeping is probably a good thing to do.

Thank you again for your prayers & concern.  I really appreciate them.   


Vickie said...

I am so glad to hear you are improving, even if it is slow. I am still praying.♥

Catherine said...

Sending continued thoughts and prayers ~ took me just over a week to kick the crud I had and the cough is still lingering!

Stitchy Mc Floss said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Robin in Virginia said...

Glad to hear you are feeling a wee bit better! Sleep and fluids are good for you. They say this year's virus takes a while to kick to the curb.

Thinking of you!

Robin in Virginia

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Prayers being sent up for you, Shirlee! And please take good care. Yes, sleep is great! keep doing that and eat chicken noodle soup :)
Praying for you! Feel better soon!

butterfly said...

Sorry Shirlee, you are not feeling well , I find the older I get the colds hang around longer.
Hope you are soon feeling better hugs.

Kim said...

Don't worry about us. Just take care of yourself and get lots of rest. Hope you feel better soon

Simply Victoria said...

Keep getting lots of rest, dear. Prayers continued for you.

Krista said...

Hope you feel better, Shirlee! I think the bug is just going around and sticking around! I have been sick since Christmas Eve and only started to feel better today. Keep getting lots of rest!

Krista said...

This may be a duplicate, got an error message before!...

Hope you feel better Shirlee! I think the bug is going around and staying around! I got sick on Christmas Eve and am only starting to feel better, still coughing. Keep getting lots of rest!

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Poor you, you seem to have Man-Flu!

If you do pop over to my blog you will see a little something familiar. See if you can spot the personalisation I have done!

Michelle said...

Thinking of you xxx

marly said...

Glad to hear that there is slight improvement. Hopefully it will continue!

Carol said...

This must be the same cold my sister came down with at Christmas, Shirlee--two weeks later and she is still sick... Please be extra careful and don't overdo it! Hope to read you're feeling better very soon.

Farmhouse prims said...

Shirlee, so sorry you haven't been feeling well. Prayers and hugs for your quick recovery. hugs, Lecia

Judy said...

Hope you feel yourself again--very soon.

Judy Heartland stitcher

Anne said...

Oh my dear Shirlee. I sure hope you are feeling better by now!! Sending you lots of hugs and prayers!! Anne

Maggee said...

Hope you are getting better and better with lots of rest. Having an interesting day here... under tornado watches! It is 72 outside! Yesterday was 42...and many of the days before that it was 22! Holey moley! Take care of yourself! Praying that you get well soon!

Julie said...

I hope today finds you improving even more, get well soon. x

Kaisievic said...

That's fine, sometimes it is enough to just to read a post. You look after yourself, my dear.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Hang in there, girlie! You'll kick this thing eventually. Take good care. Hugs!

village folk art said...

Ohhh Shirlee ... so sorry about your cold. Keep it up with lots of healthy fluids and rest and you'll be back on top in no time.
Prayers and Blessings coming your way,

Tricia said...

Bless your heart, Shirlee! Be sure you go to the doctor if you aren't feeling better soon. My daughter had the creeping crud when I sent her back to college and she ended up at Urgent Care with bronchitis and a sinus infection. : ( Feel better!!!!!


Brenda said...

I found your blog from Maggee's Blog list. I am so sorry that you are so sick at the moment.

Nyquil is my go to medicine when I get really sick too. I just LOVE how it makes me sleep at night....for the most part.

Sending LOTS of get well prayers your way hon!!!

Sally said...

Oh Shirlee I do hope you're feeling so much better. I am just catching up with blogs. Take care my friend!

Marie said...

Oh no, Shirlee...I hope that you are feeling better by now!
I just read a blog where the blogger was sick with the flu for a month. Yikes.

Leave it to you to find a great pic for you creative.

Shirlee said...
