Wednesday, April 2, 2014

SAL Finish

I am finished with my SAL with Sally ... Lone Elm Lane's Snow Angel!!!

This project has been both a blessing & a curse for me.  I purchased the fabric as recommended by the designer, then pulled the suggested hand dyed threads.  However, some of the threads just did not look good against the fabric ... certainly nothing like they looked in the model photo.  I then pulled the DMC equivalents but some of them didn't look good either   : (   I ended up using a mixture of hand dyed & DMC.  I did not catch on to the fact that the tan color suggested for the angel border was showing up terribly light.  By the time I did see this, I had already stitched a large portion of the border which made frogging all those stitches from the 36-count fabric too much of a feat to even contemplate.  I continued, feeling "stuck" but hoping that by some miracle the project would all turn out all right in the end.  

The tree was a real exercise in frustration as it was way too nit-picky for me.  I don't like a lot of color changes grouped together. Still, I plodded on.  At one point both Sally & I dreaded Thursday (our SAL day) as we were both so frustrated with how our projects were coming along.  We had no idea that we were each fantasizing about throwing in the towel & moving on to something else.  We took deep breaths, however, & continued stitching.      

Here is how Snow Angel is supposed to look per the designer's model photo ...
I decided to forego the date on the roof.  I also decided to get rid of the dog.  I have enough with the locals here in The Devil's Playground letting their dogs run loose to chew stuff up & dig holes & poop all over my yard.  I didn't need that big black dog in the design chewing stuff up & digging holes & pooping all over my fantasy yard. Therefore, I substituted a bunny.

Here is my adaptation of Snow Angel ...
The bunny I chose to stitch is taken from a freebie design, Joyeux Noel 2013, by Maryse Dupont - Les Grilles de Maryse.   

Any comments about my frustration with this design are solely based on my frustration with myself to create finishes that look exactly like model photos & my dislike of stitching many color changes grouped together.  I am not by any means finding fault with how the Lone Elm Lane designer chose her fabric, thread colors, or how she executed her design.  

When Sally finishes stitching Snow Angel, our next project will be Little House Needleworks' Warm Winter Woolens ...
Winter, woolens, a sheep ... I can't wait   : )


jennifer768 said...

Oh my gosh, Shirlee I love it! Congrats on sticking with it,the end result was so worth your torment.LOL! I can say that because it was you and not me.I really like the addition of the bunny,it is so sweet.Can't wait to see your next project.Be blessed my friend.Hugs,Jen

Sarah in Stitches said...

It looks beautiful, Shirlee! Congrats on the finish (even if it was frustrating) :D

Krista said...

Wonderful finish, Shirlee! May your Snow Angel bring you lots of snow! :) Love the woolie sheep up next!

Justine said...

However frustrating you found it, it was worth persevering with as I love your finish! I like how you've changed the dog for a bunny too - much cuter and much easier to clean up the poop! Your new SAL piece looks much less troublesome.

Tricia said...

Beautiful work, Shirlee!! It is SO pretty!! I think we need to find a new description for where you live, though.... while it may be the Devil's Playground, it is also God's Workshop... it just depends on how you look at it! And I know He is working, because He has encouraged me through you!

Have a blessed day! : )

Robin in Virginia said...

Love your finish, Shirlee! I like your bunny substitution. Your selection for your next SAL with Sally is a great choice. One of my favorite LHN designs (even though I haven't stitched it yet).

Robin in Virginia

Mii Stitch said...

Shirlee, all that frustration was well worth it!!! Your finish is even better than the original model :) I love your little rabbit better too! Well done!

Von said...

You stuck with it, made it your own and now havea fantastic finish! Hurray!

blue star stitcher said...

I like the bunny much better than that dog. Good job finishing. Your fabric does look different than the model, a little lighter.

Minnie said...

The entire design is gorgeous but my favorite part is the snow angel and the little footprints. Your bunny looks just as good in this design as the dog in the model.

marly said...

It's beautiful Shirlee. I don't like constant color changes for a few stitches either. The angel outline is so soft, like she's always there but doesn't want to be too showy! I've ordered the same color linen from the same seller and ended up with two different DIFFERENT shades. Sometimes it's close, most times it's not.

cucki said...

Wow such a sweet finish ..I love it so much...
Well done dear
And the bunny is so cute...
Big hugs x

Jacqueline Morris said...

Your snow angel is beautiful and LOVE your next project :)
Smiles to you :)

Vickie said...

ooOoo! It turned out great! I love it. Good for you. :)

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

I love, love, love it! and I do, do, do love Warm Woolen Mittens too, one that I have wanted to stitch for so you think I could join you both?

Simply Victoria said...

Your finish looks great and I like the bunny as a substitute! Love what Tricia said about God's Workshop. She is so right.
I do hope you and Sally both enjoy your next SAL more.

Chris said...

Gorgeous finish Shirlee!!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I actually like the bunny better than the dog - seems to fit the scene more! I hope you're happy with the way it has turned out. It's beautiful!

Edgar said...

What a super finish!!! I love the bunny substitution!

geeky Heather said...

Well, it may have been super frustrating, but it looks just fabulous finished!!

Pam in IL said...

I LOVE IT! Your changes are great and I must say that little snow angel is adorable and I just might have to get this design and stitch it up myself.

Shebafudge said...

Well I think it looks stunning and the rabbit blends in better with the design rather than the dog which looks quite harsh in colour in comparison. Congratulations on the lovely finish!! (Love the disclaimer !!) xx

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Gret finish! I love the rabbit, not a dog person either.

I also love your disclaimer but you forgot not to blame the photographer who may or may not have Photoshopped the finished piece LOL.

I think the white pops more on the fabric you have used too. Nice effect.

Maggee said...

That is a beautiful finish, no matter what you took away or changed. It is yours to do with as you will, once you buy it! Hugs!