Sunday, February 19, 2012

Exchanges To Share

Last month I participated in my first Stitched With Love Exchange & I enjoyed it immensely!  I received a wonderful package of goodies from Tricia whose blog is The Stamper's Stitches.   As you can see in the photo below she stitched the most gorgeous pin pillow for me!  She also sent me a package of John James platinum needles, a little pair of scissors, & she kitted up a Trilogy design, Patriotic Tree:  Truth, complete with stitching fabric, backing fabric, embellishments & DMC threads!  She also sent me the cutest handmade notecard!  I love it all   : )

The package I sent went to June in the UK.  Her blog is Butterfly wings.  I stitched a little Pine Mountain Designs pillow for her, You're My Cup of Tea.  I also included a box of my favorite tea, a DMC thread assortment, a heart-shaped pot holder, a fat quarter of stitching fabric, a Lizzie*Kate chart, & a Bless Our Home dishtowel.   
Here is a closer view of the stitching I did.
I really, really enjoyed this exchange & I'm looking forward to the next one   : )

I ran into a bit of a disappointment with my current mystery project which I chose to work on for the IHSW.  As you can see it has moved along nicely since the last photo I posted.
Unfortunately I have run out of thread!  This is the first project I have ever done where you use just one color of thread.  Who knew one  hank/skein wouldn't be enough!  So I stitched as much as I could & then reluctantly removed it from my Q-Snap.  Does anyone want to venture a guess on the name of the design & the designing company?  There will be a prize for the first person who guesses correctly   : )   I will be choosing another stitching project today to work on until I get more of this thread (WDW Navy) which will hopefully be soon.  I am trying to decide if I want to drive to Lexington (an hour each way) to go to the stitching shop there hoping they have the thread or if I just want to order it online.  I should probably just order it online.  

Remember the other day John & I did a bit of shopping & I brought home a new set of sheets & new pillows?  I had purchased one of those primitive woven bedspreads earlier in the week.  Yesterday I replaced the old stuff with the new.  The sheets are going to take a bit of getting used to.  This may sound terrible but the sheets we were using on the bed, our one & only set of sheets, were I think purchased in 2004 & have been used constantly since that time being removed a couple times each week to wash & then put right back on the bed.  "Threadbare" would be the word to describe these sheets.  They were extremely soft & comfy from all these years of use but started falling apart, thus the need for new ones.  The new sheets are 600 thread count which I thought would be nice & soft as well but last night I felt like I was sleeping between 2 sheets of plywood!  They are very stiff & they make noise when you move around ... lol!  I'm guessing they just need to be used/washed a few times to soften them up & quiet them down.  I hope so!  

I am looking forward to snow today but then I'm always looking forward to snow, aren't I   : )   The weatherman says there's an 80% possibility of snow or rain today.  Rain, rain, go away!  Come on snow!!!


denise said...

i'm gonna guess Little House Needleworks. love your gifts .that was very generous. denise

~*Sharee*~ said...

Cute exchanges hun; and I have no idea what your stitching; I don't have that color thread or I'd send it to you. I saw where your suppose to get snow and knew you'd be thrilled..

Hugs, Shar

Carol said...

What a wonderful exchange, Shirlee--your pillow from Tricia is adorable as is the one you sent to dear June...

Snow? Sure hope you get some!! I know how much you love it :)

TheCrankyCrow said...

Awwwww....sweet exchanges both coming and going. You all get so creative with your packages. And I haven't a clue what I'M working on - how the dickens would I figure out what YOU'RE working on???! ;o) Reminds me of some of Nancy's patterns from the Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe though. You are going to tell us eventually, right??? ;o) Good luck with that snow thing....We're sunny here today. Yippee! Smiles & Sunday Hugs ~ Robin

TheCrankyCrow said...

PS - Give those sheets some time....I won't sleep on anything less than 600 thread count....My niece calls me a sheet snob.....(You do need to wash them first though....then they just keep getting better and better and better....) Enjoy!

Hazel said...

Lovely exchanges both given and received. Lovely progress on your sampler too. x

Friendship Crossing said...

I've got one skein of WDW Navy I could send you if you want. Just let me know! Be glad to.

I'm guessing it's something by Blackbird Design.

Love the exchange pieces!

Robin at The Primitive Hutch said...

Wonderful exchanges Shirlee!
I know I've seen the design somewhere that your working on ~ but for the life of me I can't pin point it. I'll ponder alittle bit.
I hate braking in new sheets ~ hope they soften up for you.
Prim Blessings

Tricia said...

LOL! New sheets are such a pain (literally!) Maybe you'll have to wash them twice each week for awhile. : )

I'm not sure about the design... it looks BBD-ish, but I don't remember them using dark colors. I'll have to wait until the final reveal, I guess!

The exchange you sent was lovely! I'm sure Jane was thrilled.

Enjoy your snow!!


cucki said...

wow very lovely exchange gifts..
great progress on your sampler..
big hugs cucki xx

Kendra said...

Isn't it funny how we get so comfy in our sheets? I was fortunate to inherit several sets of sheets from my mother when she passed away so they were already "softened" by the time I used them. Isn't is ridiculous how expensive sheets are?! Don't pitch the old ones something creative with all of that material!

Kaisievic said...

Great exchange pieces - is the designer Bygone Stitches. What a shame that you ran out of thread when you were going great guns. Grrr!

hugs, Kaye xoxox