Saturday, November 15, 2014

Eye Update - Improvement!

My visit with the eye doctor yesterday morning went quite well!  He was happy to see that the irritation & inflammation was subsiding.  I am to continue the dilation/antibacterial drops 4 times/day but now have the steroid drops to add to the regimen.  I have another appointment to see him next Wednesday.

I had to continue to keep the eye closed yesterday, but today I am allowed to be a two-eyed person again   : )

The eye is still rather painful, & my vision with it is not very good.  I'm somewhat concerned about the vision.  Hopefully that will return to normal in due time.  If not, I may have to get a new glasses prescription.

Thank you all so much for your prayers!  Please keep at 'em, if you don't mind   : )


gracie said...

Glad things are sure not to over use that eye....

Frances said...

This is such good news! I'm glad to hear there's progress, and I'm sure you are overjoyed!!! It seems that I have heard that our eyes heal rather quickly, so maybe this whole ordeal will be behind you soon.
I continue to hold you in my thoughts and prayers.
**I'm also glad you can open the eye and not look like you're in a constant wink!!! ;-)

Shebafudge said...

Glad to hear that your doctor is happy with how your eye is looking. Hopefully vision will return shortly! Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. xx

Vickie said...

If the doctor is happy, I am happy. Great news. I am still praying.

Sarah in Stitches said...

Yay! That's good to hear :D

Tricia said...

Oh, that's good news!! Praise the Lord!

Simple Pleasure said...

Dearest Shirlee,
It's so nice to start the day with this wonderful news!
With continued prayers,

Angela said...

I'm glad to hear that things are looking a bit better. Will continue to keep you in my thoughts for a speedy recovery :)

Lumiruusu said...

So nice you You have get at last some positive news. I keep on praying for You -these is not such things as oceans dividing us for the Lord.He will hear us where ever we are -Greetings from Finland in the Northern Scandinavia:)

Annette-California said...

Like Vickie said "If the doctor is happy - I'm happy for you! That's wonderful news. still praying for you! love Annette

Michelle said...

Lovely news Shirlee but please don't over do it make sure you rest x

jennifer768 said...

Wonderful news! I will be keeping you in my prayers. Sounds like we may be getting some that white stuff that you so enjoy. LOL! Have a blessed day.Jen

Robin in Virginia said...

I am thrilled to read your post about the improvement of your eye this evening, Shirlee! You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as your eye continues to mend and heal. And I will second one of the above comments about not overusing it.

Robin in Virginia

Marilyn said...

Glad to hear your eye is improving.
Keeping you in my thoughts.

Kevin said...

OK whew. Glad to read some good news about your injury. Sounds like you have quite a regimen to follow with all the different drops. I hope some of those drops soothe your pain and scratchy feeling you mentioned in the previous post. Continuing to pray and think healing thoughts about you! Kevin

Pam in IL said...

Glad there is improvement. I think you need to get yourself some safety goggles for when you're working outside. I have been praying!

Kaisievic said...

Great news, Shirlee, I am sure that it will be fine. The human body is a miracle and can heal itself with time.

Jessica said...

Hi Shirlee! Long time no see! I've gotten back into stitching and looking up stitcher friends whose blogs I missed reading. So sorry to hear about your eye!! Glad you are getting better, hope you recover 100% and have no eye issues and no more pain. ~Jessica

Anne said...

Oh my goodness Shirlee! I'm so sorry to hear that you had eye surgery but glad that it is healing. Continuing to pray for you and your health. Hugs from me and Titus.