Friday, November 14, 2014

Eye Update - Please Pray

My eye doctor appointment yesterday did not go well.  He was dismayed to see that I had not improved as he expected.  Inflammation developed inside the eyeball along with some sort of irritation (I forget the term he used) around the injured area that was spreading across my eye.  He likened it to little hangnails which explained the reason I felt scratchiness & pain while wearing the patch.  Also, my iris, or retina, was spasming.  His words were "You are a mess."

In order to get the iris, or retina, to stop spasming, I had to have dilating drops placed in my eye.  It took three sets of drops before the spasming subsided.  He then gave me a prescription for dilating drops as well as antibacterial drops to place in my eye four times a day for 30 days.  Because of the need for drops he could not patch the eye again, so I had ... & still have ... to purposely keep the injured eye closed.  This takes some concentration, let me tell you   : )

He told me that the antibacterial drops are not the strongest he could prescribe for me, but they are the next best thing.  He said he did not want to prescribe the strongest drops right away because they would destroy the good as well as the bad bacteria in my eye.  He is hoping to avoid having to prescribe those.  He wants to see me again this morning, & if the eye hasn't improved to his liking, he will need to prescribe these stronger drops.

After things settle down a bit, I will then need to add steroid drops to the regimen.

Your prayers are deeply appreciated.


KimM said...

Oh Shirlee - I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles. I will keep you in my prayers.

Maggee said...

I was wondering why no Sunday post! Of course I will pray! Right now!

gracie said...

Keeping you in my thoughts...

Vickie said...

Oh Shirlee. I am so sorry to hear of no improvement. I will keep praying.
It is a good thing you have the Bible on CD. Rest and pray.♥

Tricia said...

Oh, bless your heart, Shirlee! I'll be praying!!! I'm so thankful to know that you have a "Hope that is sure and steadfast" in the Saviour. I pray He will comfort you physically and emotionally through this!!

Simple Pleasure said...

Dearest Shirlee,
I will continue to pray for a rapid and complete healing. Please keep us posted.
I hope you do not have to use the stronger drops...I have had issues with antibiotics killing the good, as well as the bad, bacteria. Please be sure the doctor monitors your eye pressure, with the steroid use. Following an eye surgery, steroids were prescribed for me...turns out I'm one of the odd souls who has an allergic reaction and my eye pressure soared. (Not trying to add to your concerns, but wanted you aware.)
With prayers,

Robin in Virginia said...

Lifting you up in prayer and knowing you have the Great Healer on your side, Shirlee! Thinking of you!

Robin in Virginia

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

WOW Having had a detached retina in February and two surgeries to repair--please protect your eye. Sending positive thoughts for healing

Frances said...

Oh my! I hope you'll be improving very soon! That sounds scary, but I'm sure the doctor will see you through it and you'll be "back to normal" in no time! You're in thoughts and prayers!

Sally said...

Thinking of you Shirlee and praying for you.

capecodgirl565 said...

Prayers are headed your way. Hope things improve very soon.

Angela said...

Thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery!

marly said...

Catching up on blogs and hope by now you are feeling less discomfort and the healing is progressing. Be careful and keep us posted when you are up to it.

Marilyn said...

Praying that your eye will,improve.
Take care.

Sarah in Stitches said...

Oh my goodness, I really hope your eye gets better soon!

Ele said...

oh dear! sorry to hear the eye is not improving. Hope the treatment will be effective soon and you'll feel better.
Take good care of yourself

Kevin said...

Oh my goodness - this all sounds just terrible, Shirlee. I'm praying that he doesn't need to give you the stronger drops and that you are not in so much discomfort. I can't even imagine TRYING to keep one eye closed all day! You poor thing. Kevin

Kaisievic said...

I am reading these posts backwards, so I know that your eye is on the improve but I cannot imagine how difficult it must have been to keep your eye purposely shut! How on Earth did you manage it?