Sunday, May 4, 2014


If you are anywhere near my age, you will remember how Sundays used to be special days set aside to rest & worship God. Without fail, catholics & protestants alike would wake up on Sunday morning & ready themselves to attend church.  You would then come home & enjoy the day.  No businesses were open.  No grocery stores, no malls (the few of them there were back then).  No one came knocking at your door or telephoned you trying to sell you something.  Perhaps friends or relatives would come to your home to join you for a meal.  If the weather was warm, you would maybe sit out on your porch & visit, or take walks around the neighborhood, stopping to spend a few minutes with neighbors you might meet along the way.  Thoughts were focused on God.  Although God was a part of your life each day of the week, Sunday was a day specifically set aside to honor Him. 

My family was not what you'd call a church going family, but Sundays were still dedicated to God.  I remember one time when I was in the 5th grade ... it was Sunday morning & I decided to listen to my new Beatles album.  My mother was in my room before John & Paul finished singing their first "yeah, yeah, yeah."  I believe her words were something to the effect of "Turn off that record player or you'll never see it again."

Nowadays Sundays are, for most people, no different than any other day.  Their mind is focused on things like will their team win the big sports game that afternoon, or will they find just the right shoes to go with their new dress at the mall.  I think there are many people who consider themselves to be Christians who don't give God even one thought on Sundays.  

I know that life is much different in 2014 than it was in 1964.  In many ways this is very sad. Saddest of all is that Sundays are no longer set aside to honor God.  God made the sabbath day a holy day.  We should honor Him by doing so as well.  


Vickie said...

You hit the nail on the head Shirlee! It is a struggle sometimes to not go shopping on a Sunday. You are correct, God has asked us to make it a holy, restful day.

Tloe said...

You are so right. I remember my mother always use to say "Sew on Sunday, Rip on Monday." I guess since so many women are in the work force now, we have to do more on our days off even if the day off is Sunday. (I say this as my second load of laundry is spinning and about ready to go out on the line!)

Catherine said...

Such a great post!! Although many things about living in this day and age can be wonderful, hectic Sundays that are like every other day, are not one of them!

marly said...

That was the day that my dad wore his suit and tie. The white shirt's sleeves were rolled up when serving the dinner and the tie was loosened. Mom had a nice dress and "hosiery". It was the ordinary week's holiday.

cucki said...

So true ...

Kaisievic said...

I couldn't agree more, my dear!

Teresa S. said...

Thank you, Shirlee.
I remember those days and agree that Sunday has become "just another day" Sad......

Pam in IL said...

Very well said, Shirlee! Although I'm not the same age as you, when I was growing up, our Sundays were spent at church in the morning and then with family the rest of the day. It's very different nowadays, but I do try to keep Sunday just for God.