Friday, April 4, 2014

Three Blog-Related Things

1.  New Blog
I received a very nice comment on one of my recent blog posts from a very nice lady who has a new stitching blog.  It's a lovely little blog start & she would like to see it grow. Please pay her a visit when you get a chance & welcome her to the world of blogging.  You can access the blog by clicking here:  A Symphony of Stitches.

2.  No-Reply Bloggers
I try to respond to every comment someone makes to one of my posts but sometimes I can't because the person making the comment is a no-reply blogger.  Please know that I appreciate each & every comment I receive, but if you are no-reply, I can't thank you or answer any of your questions personally.

3.  $50 Reward
If you can help me delete blogs I no longer want to follow from my reading list, you will be $50 richer.  I kid you not.  I used to be able to delete blogs easily, but for whatever reason I haven't been able to do so for months now.  Every day I try.  Every day I fail.  I click the Manage Reading List icon, then Settings, then More Options, then Stop Following this Site, & then Stop Following, but the blog remains on my reading list.  I also go directly to the blog, click Join this Site, & then perform the More Options/Stop Following this Site/Stop Following dance. Again the blog remains on my reading list. Having OCD, I want a nice, neat reading list minus blogs that haven't been active for nearly a year or ones I'm just not interested in anymore.  The $50 will be paid to you via a gift certificate to an online shop of your choosing or via a cash PayPal payment. You pick which.  First successful suggestion that lets me delete these blogs gets the reward. Suggestions only accepted from current followers.  


Stitchy Mc Floss said...

I have not been able to do this for a while either. I think blogger is no longer supporting any of the follower functions. But if I can figure out how I will let you know....if you find out, please let me know as well. ((hugs))

cucki said...

Oh no...I don't know how to do it :(
Let me think and look...
Hugs xx

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

I just found this:

It won't help get them off, but it might help you save blogs you don't want to loose that are on your reading list. :)

Vickie said...

ooOoo! Shirlee I wish I knew how to help you! I bet you finally get this licked now. Be blessed!

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Shirlee, what brand of reader are you using? Google or Bloglovin?

Shirley said...

Have you tried using a different browser? All of a sudden I found that I couldn't write to my blog using Internet Explorer and switched to Firefox which worked once, then had to switch to Google Chrome. Anyway I hope you find an answer. Shirley in NC

Jacqueline Morris said...

Hello.. I hope this may be of some help...

Blogs you're following

There are a couple ways blogs show up on your "Manage Blogs I'm Following" page. Through Blogger you can follow a blog via the following gadget on the blog or you can add the blog directly to your Reading List. Blogs will also show up on your "Manage Blogs I'm Following" page if you've joined a site with Google Friend Connect.

From the "Manage Blogs I'm Following" page, you can edit your settings for each blog you are following. To do so, click the "Settings" link next to the blog you want to edit. You will then be shown a pop-up page with your profile and the settings for that particular blog:

You can then select to stop following the site, select to follow the blog anonymously or publicly, and select to publish your activities to other sites you have joined (this setting will display this particular blog with your profile on the other sites you have joined).

Jacqueline Morris said...

Here is the link to the page I found...

Jacqueline Morris said...

Sorry I keep finding things that may be of some use to you..

Justine said...

Shirlee, I just tried this and it seems to have worked for me...
From the blogger dashboard screen, click on the little wheel on the right hand side opposite the heading Reading List.
You should then get a list headed Manage Blogs I'm Following.
Down the right hand side against the blog you want to delete click on Settings.
A box should appear which includes the words Stop Following This Site. Click on it, you'll be asked to confirm, and the blog disappears!

Hope this helps you.


Tricia said...

Ooo - wish I could help you! But I use Feedly to follow blogs rather than Google. In Feedly I just have to click on the blog's name and a screen will come up with all the posts and it will say something like "remove" and I push it and I'm done! : ) I know that wasn't helpful... Sorry!! ; )

Frances said...

Thank you for the lovely mention of my new blog! I appreciate it so much and everyone has been so nice--I would have done this a long time ago if I'd known it would be this much fun!
I wish I could help you with your blog issue--right now I just feel lucky to just find my blog and read it!!!
All of the suggestions you've gotten seem highly technical to me--I'm sure you'll get some good information!
Have a fun weekend!

DebbieSFL said...

I discovered that there are two steps to this process. You have to stop following the blog and also delete them from your blog list by going to your blog template and delete them there from your blog list.

Pam in IL said...

I sure could use $50 for stash, but my suggestions are what you've already tried :( Hopefully someone's suggestion has helped you.

Annette-California said...

I have done what Justine suggested and my list of blogs won't come up after clicking on the settings wheel. I too have been trying especially after It's Daffy Cat blog did that whole right up on how to delete blogs. Haven't gotten it to work yet. love Annette

Michelle said...

Hi Shiree

I use Chrome and I click on the 'Dashboard' at the top right of my blog, then where your name appears there is a 'flower' next to it - come down to the 'flower' a few inches under it where it says 'Manage Reading List' and then click on the settings of the blog and it gives you the option of stop following this site/blog. Hope that helps xx

Danice G said...

Hi Shirlee. I visited and am following the new blog, A Symphony of Stitches. As far as the Blogger Reading List, no help, sorry. Mine says that I am not following any blogs (?) That's not true, as I follow many blogs. Odd, isn't it? The No Reply Blogger thing, well, the reason I am one is b/c I don't want my email address visible to the whole world wide web. It's a security thing. Prim Spring blessings :)

Purple Pixie Dust said...

Hi, I just started a new blog and I just went into template and went into my blog list and edit it. I just removed the ones I did not want and it took them off. hope this helps Lynda Ruth from Purple Pixie Dust. love your blog

Farmhouse prims said...

Hi Shirlee, I will stop by the new blogger and say hello. I also try to answer comments when someone leaves me one, but some are no reply bloggers and I can't but I do appreciate their comments. And as much as I could us $50, I am a computer dummy so I am unable to help you, hope you find someone. hugs, Lecia

Cactusneedle said...

I use IE (I think) to follow blogs. When I want to delete a blog I right click on the name in my list and click on "delete" in the dropdown box.

Julie said...

There were lots of help and advice, hope some worked and you sorted the problem Shirlee.

Simply Victoria said...

Michelle's suggestion worked perfectly for me and I was having troubles too. Try using Chrome.