Sunday, June 22, 2014

Psalm 73:26

This verse has been a favorite of mine since I discovered it before my heart surgery last year   : )

I have been feeling a little better with each passing day.  I still tire easily & am a little sore, but I've been able to do a bit of stitching & I look forward to when I can share it with you.  

My deepest thanks to everyone who has sent emails, commented on my recent posts, or both, saying that good wishes & prayers are being sent my way.  I pray that God will extend His blessings to each of you   : ) 


marly said...

She's back!!! Nice to see a post. Sorry that recovery is slower than expected but progress is progress! Glad to see that you're healing.

Robin in Virginia said...

Glad you are feeling a bit better each and every day. Take each day one at a time, Shirlee! Thinking of you!

Robin in Virginia

Wanda said...

Dear Shirlee, I was thrilled to see your post today and to know that you are on the road to recovery. Sending warm thoughts and prayers to you.

The Bear's Blog said...

Oh, Miss Shirlee, it's so good to hear from you. We think about you each day and thank God that you are recovering and home. Do you know how many people out there love you? Plus 2.

Heaps of Hugs
Prudence ♥

Maggee said...

Oh YAY!! You are progressing, and feeling a little better! Great news!!! Big Hugs! Still praying for you!

cucki said...

My dear friend,it's a lovely verse :)
Glad you are feeling better my dear..sending you bug hugs and prayers xxx

Carol said...

So glad to hear you're improving bit by bit, Shirlee... You do your best not to over-do things, now... We want you healthy and energetic soon :) Sending a warm hug your way.

Vickie said...

So glad that recovery is going well. You are in my prayers.♥

Farmhouse prims said...

Hi Shirlee, so good to hear that you are improving with each passing day! Can't wait to see your stitching. hugs, Lecia

gracie said...

Thinking about you every day...hope you are mending well.

Tricia said...

I'm so glad that you are starting to feel better, Shirlee! You are in my thoughts and prayers!

jennifer768 said...

Hope that you have had a wonderful day my friend! It is awesome to see a post from you.That was a lovely verse that you shared with us.May God continue to bless you with His healing powers.Hugs,Jen

Edgar said...

I'm so happy about your getting through and getting home so quickly, you were never far from our thoughts!! Heal fast my dear friend!!! HUGZ!!!!

Annette-California said...

So wonderful to hear you are improving a bit everyday. Keeping you in my prayers sweet Shirlee!
love and hugs Annette

Julie said...

So good to read you are improving with each day, my thoughts are with you.

The Inspired Stitcher said...

Glad to hear each day is better. I've certainly had you on my mind a lot lately. Sending gentle hugs to you today!

Kaisievic said...

So glad to hear that each day you are getting a little better. You are always in my thoughts, hugs Kaye